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Minutes of the Annual Meeting

May 10, 2001

The meeting, held at the Taunton Fire Company, was opened by President Joan Myers at 8:10 P.M. About 31 members were in attendance.

Trustees present: Joan Myers, Kevin Callahan, Brian Petitt, Paul Lucas, Bob Schwab, Paul Davis, Chuck Watson, Mary Stosuy, and Phil Myers.

Absent were: Kristin Lorenz and Chuck Schaffer.

Each Board member introduced himself and then President Joan Myers listed the accomplishments of the Board over the last year which included: pavilion painted and repaired, playground equipment repaired and area mulched, new signs and barrels of flowers at the beach, a new fence and gate around the parking lot. In addition, there were new end-of-the-road signs on most streets, progress made on the collection of delinquent dues, lake science course attended at Rutgers, Annual Picnic and Youth Fishing Tournament, Halloween and Easter activities.

The minutes of the 2000 Annual Meeting were read and approved.

The Treasurer's Report was read and accepted.

Committee Reports

Dam Committee - Bob Schwab reported that erosion control would be performed next week along both sides of our dam on Breakneck Road for a cost of about $3500. He mentioned that we had received approvals for doing the work that the State has mandated in preparation for a "200 year storm". The work would start within the next two or three years at an estimated of cost of $80,000. To pay for the construction, which amounts to bolstering the Lake Pine side of the dam, we are preparing to apply to the State for a low-interest loan.

Beach Committee - Brian Petitt reported that new signs and changes in language on current signs were being mandated by the State Department of Health. He noted some of the "new language" as members snickered in disbelief. Some of the more ridiculous requirements were not read.

Brian asked that residents keep an eye on the lifesaving equipment so that it is not tampered with. He then announced his resignation from the Board due to his moving from Taunton Lake.

Brian was praised by the Board for his nine years of dedicated service to the Community.

Aquatic Weed Committee - Paul Lucas reported that the months of May, June, and July of 2000 were normal growth months for the bladderwort. August and September which normally show a tapering off, instead demonstrated a meteoric growth that he was powerless to contain. His workers were already starting to return to college and to high school sports programs when the unexpected growth occurred. Because a similar, but less severe pattern of weed growth happened in 1999, Paul gave notice to the Board in October, 2000 that the new pattern of growth, spurred by nutrient loading, was no longer compatible with his work schedule or the schedule of this workers, thus, he would not continue the harvesting operation in the future.

The re-formed Aquatic Weed Committee, after much research and thought, decided to hire a Commercial Pesticide Applicator (Great Blue, Inc.) to apply the herbicide, Reward, during the summer of 2001.

Paul reminded the members that we must achieve a delicate balance between having not enough aquatic plants for a healthy lake ecosystem, and having too many plants for swimming, fishing, and aesthetics. He went on to mention that control of the weeds is not just the responsibility of one person, or of a committee, but that everyone plays a role. He urged curtailing the use of chemical fertilizers and employing proper septic tank maintenance. Further, he stressed the importance of residents removing annoying weeds from around their docks.

Water Quality Committee - Brian Petitt gave a history of the Committee, which started in 1996. At that time volunteer water quality testing also started. Through volunteer testing and professional testing it was noted that our water quality is steadily declining. The changes in the following parameters were noted:

Averages: pH nitrates phosphates
1999 6.2 0.41mg/L 0.02mg/L
2000 6.7 1.4 mg/L 0.04mg/L

Brian noted that the State of New Jersey DEP will commit more personnel and money to fight non point source pollution in the state. He added some things residents can do to the list that Paul Lucas gave in the Aquatic Weed Report.

Street and Beach Sign Committee - Kevin Callahan reported that most of the end-of-the-road signs have now been replaced and updated. He detailed the new "Street Captain" system wherein a person on each street will help to update the signs and keep the Board of Trustees informed of noteworthy events on their street.

Kevin asked that members from streets with no sign contact him.

Membership and Dues - Chuck Watson reported that we are pursuing legal action against members who are seriously delinquent in payment of dues.

He asked that residents update their boat stickers and either challenge the boaters with no stickers or call the police. He noted that a great many trespassers are boating on the lake and if not curbed will be a problem for all of us.

Welcome Committee - Paul Davis welcomed Peter and Georgette Davidson on Hinchman Rd., Lorraine Verrill on So. Wendover Rd., and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Lefczik on Pine Rd. to the Community as they introduced themselves to the members present. Paul asked that members notify a Board member when a house goes up for sale in the community.

New Business - Joan Myers introduced Steve Lennon, of Hinchman Rd. Steve is a professional landscape architect and has volunteered to design an improvement to the entrance of our lake where our Taunton Lake sign now stands. He unveiled his drawings and described the rationale for the plan. The plan was very well received. Steve will supervise volunteers this autumn in implementing the plan.

Joan Myers announced that there would be a vacancy on the Board with the resignation of Brian Petitt. She asked if there was anyone who would like to volunteer to fill the slot. No one volunteered. She then announced that four members of the Board, Kristin Lorenz, Phil Myers, Joan Myers, and Paul Davis had terms expiring at this meeting. Joan asked for nominations for those four Board members to have their terms extended. The nominations were moved and seconded. By voice vote, they had their terms extended.

Joan Myers then encouraged members to visit our web site,

The meeting was adjourned at 9:07 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Paul A. Lucas, Secretary