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2007 Annual Meeting


Old Taunton Colony Club, Inc.

Annual Meeting - May 6, 2007

7:00 P.M. Member Sign-in, distribution of ballots

The meeting was called to order at 7:10 P.M. by President Marty Hamilton. Mr. Hamilton welcomed the members and gave a brief description of the meeting format.

All Trustees were present: Marty Hamilton (President), Steve Lennon (V.P.), Paul Lucas (Secretary), Ann Palaitis (Treasurer), Mary Stosuy, Joan Myers, Chuck Watson, Brian Petitt, Linda Hamilton, Phil Myers, Gil Zlock, and Jerry Klein.

Town Watch Update

President, Marty Hamilton posed the question, "How does the Club benefit from the Program?" Sgt. Dunlevy replied that there was no specific benefits other than how watchful the residents are. Sgt. Dunlevy and Sgt. Zane of the Medford Twp. Police Department gave an overview of the program. They stressed that the residents are the eyes and ears of the community and that residents need to call the police about suspicious activity and trespassers on Club property.

A number of residents expressed frustration with the continued speeding on local roadways indicating that the police could do more to control the situation.

Treasurer's Report

Ann Palaitis gave highlights of the written report that was distributed to each member. Ann announced that the final audit (Review) is now ready and members wishing to see it can make that request.

Committee Reports

Written committee reports were distributed upon member sign-in in order to save time. Click here for a copy of those reports. The following committee representatives gave brief reports in addition to the written reports: Joan Myers - Welcome Committee and Mary Stosuy - Dam Committee.

Nominations and Voting for the Trustee Election

Secretary, Paul Lucas asked if there were any nominations from the floor for the position of Trustee, other than those names appearing on the preprinted ballot. There were no nominations from the floor.

Paul Lucas then asked for a motion to accept Marty Hamilton, Joan Myers, Phil Myers, and Linda Hamilton for the position of Trustee for a period of three years. The motion was seconded. The motion was carried by voice vote.

Members then put their ballots into the ballot box. The ballots were tallied and all the incumbents were elected.

Motion to Ratify the Proposed Bylaws

Trustee, Jerry Klein motioned: I move that the Bylaws of the Old Taunton Colony Club be amended, specifically as shown in the document entitled Form of Bylaws Proposed for OTCC Member ratification, that was distributed to the members in advance of this annual meeting.

The motion was seconded.

There was lively discussion among the members as to the pros and cons of various articles of the proposed Bylaws. The discussion period ended when the question was called.

Voting for Bylaws

Members then put their preprinted ballots into the ballot box. Trustee, Brian Petitt, assisted by volunteers went to the kitchen area to count the votes while members took a recess.

When the count was complete, the results were announced: there were 93 votes cast - 57 Yes and 36 No. The proposed Bylaws were defeated by not obtaining the necessary two-thirds affirmative votes of the members present. 62 Yes votes out of 93 would have been necessary to ratify the proposed Bylaws.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 P.M.

Refreshments were served. Beach tags and boat stickers were distributed.

Respectfully submitted
Paul Lucas, Secretary
May 2007