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White Fawn Spotted Near Wyetta/Wendover

Photo by Steve Kudatsky
Sept. 4, 2007 - A rare white fawn was seen and photographed in the woods near Wyetta and Wendover Roads recently.

Some fear that it is being cast out by its mother and the rest of the "herd," as it has been seen it by itself more frequently in recent days.

OTCC president Marty Hamilton said, however, "I've seen it quite frequently over the summer, mainly with its mother but on numerous occasions with its sibling, a normal-colored fawn. It's not the norm, but deer hunters have told me they have seen this type of fawn before. They turn white, not brown as they age. The mother and the herd aren't shunning it. It's just that it's unable to hide because of its coloring. That makes it more susceptible to natural predators."