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Tips for Preserving
Our Lake Environment

Our lake, many will argue, is the most scenic and enjoyable lake in Medford. Everyone in our community can enjoy the nice sandy beach for swimming, great fishing, and a serene natural setting. But our lake is also vulnerable to pollution, even from the seemingly innocent everyday activities of homeowners on or near the lake. Here are several tips on protecting the lake from some of the hazards of modern life.

What Can I Do to Help Protect My Lake? Lawns + Lakes = Trouble
Be Careful with Automobile Fluids The Dangers of LUST
Landscaping with Native Plants The Clean Water Book

Also of interest

Courier Post article: Goodbye, Lawn: S.J. yards go native

Lake Management Activities by John Palaitis and Barry Joseph

Deer Feeding is Risky Business by Jeanne Woodford, President, Woodford Wildlife Refuge

Rutgers: Landscape Plants That Are Deer Resistant