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Tree Removal and Replacement Rules

As many residents are aware, a number of years ago the OTCC won a lawsuit over the removal of trees without permission and the resulting requirement for suitable tree replanting to replace those trees that had been removed. During that litigation, the Judge ruling on the case noted that while the OTCC had a long history of requiring replacement for trees that were removed, the case before him would have been easier to resolve if the OTCC had written standards to address tree removal. In response to the observation of the Judge, the Board of Trustees voted on 11/9/11 to approve and adopt new Tree Removal and Replacement Rules. Click HERE to view the full text of these rules.

(Please note that as of 2020, Medford Township has its own ordinance regarding removal of trees, that may require getting separate approvals from both the Township and OTCC.)

The intent of the rule is to formalize in writing the ongoing practices the Board has been following for years, while clarifying the specific requirements. Typically, individual tree removals will not require replacement tree planting. However, in order to maintain and perpetuate the neighborhood scheme, replacement tree planting may be required by the Property (formerly Lakefront and Dock) Committee based on its consideration of the certain criteria noted in the rule. Generally, if you own a lot that is heavily wooded or has significant areas that have been allowed to remain in a natural condition you will likely not be required to provide any replacement tree plantings as part of a tree removal. However, if you own a lot that already has significant tree removal or has not allowed natural native vegetation to reestablish itself you may be required to provide replacement plantings for any trees you remove in the future.

We do not anticipate that this new rule will change the way that the Board of Trustees has reviewed tree removals in the past. The Board clearly understands that tree removals and tree maintenance are an ongoing endeavor for the residents of Taunton Lake. However, the new rule will provide the Board of Trustees and residents with clear guidelines for enforcement of unauthorized tree removals and the tree removals on any lot that may have significant clearing. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the rule, and to please contact Carri Alper at TARGET PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 856-988-8000 or email: to discuss and approve any tree removal plans before you proceed with the work. State that you live in Taunton Lake, give your name, street address, contact info, and reason for call/email.