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Minutes of the Annual Meeting
May 7, 2000
The meeting was opened by President Bob Scullin at 8:10 P.M. at the Taunton firehouse. About 60 members were in attendance.
Trustees present: Bob Scullin, Kristin Lorenz, Brian Petitt, Paul Davis, Joan Myers, Paul Lucas, Mary Stosuy, and Phil Gruender.
Absent were: Chuck Watson, Phil Myers, Chuck Schaffer, and Bob Schwab.
Bob Scullin opened the meeting by introducing the members of the Board of Trustees.
The interim results of the questionnaire (Spring 2000 Survey) sent to the membership about two weeks ago were announced. The final results will be published on the Taunton Lake web page.
The three year terms of Trustees Chuck Watson and Chuck Schaffer have expired. Both trustees were nominated for another three years and the nominations were unanimously accepted by voice vote of the members present.
Committee Reports
Water Quality - Brian Petitt described the purpose of the committee and discussed ways that residents could help keep the lake clean and healthy. They included: limited and careful use of fertilizers and pesticides, proper disposal of toxic chemicals, cleaning up after pets, keeping lawn sizes small and away from the lake, proper maintenance of septic systems, and discouraging waterfowl from congregating by not feeding them.
The results of last year's water testing by both the Committee's water testers, and the professional lab were displayed on the wall for members to see. The computer-generated graphs were the work of Jerry Klein who also developed and maintains our web page.
Aquatic Weed - Paul Lucas reported that last season was the tenth year that he had been mechanically harvesting the bladderwort in the lake. He mentioned that the spring and early summer started as an average growth season. By late summer, the bladderwort was growing unusually fast and continued the rapid growth through September. He stated that the uncharacteristically profuse growth so late in the season left the lake in the worst shape it had been in since before he started in 1991. Paul's workers were returning to school before much could be done to control the late-blooming weeds. Hopefully nature will not repeat this scenario again any time soon.
Other - A discussion ensued about nutrients entering the lake from other lakes and from newly developed areas of the Township. It was noted that Medford Township has refused, for many years, to enforce its land clearing ordinances where people and developers clear the natural vegetation to plant lawns that need chemicals, fertilizers, and vast amounts of water. Paul Lucas reported that the Water Quality Committee testified before the Township Committee in 1996 to try to get them to enforce the ordinances that were designed to protect lakes and the other pinelands resources of the Town. The Committee refused to take up the issue. Township officials do not recognize the connection between large lawns and water shortages.
The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. and refreshments were served.
Respectfully submitted,
Paul Lucas, Secretary