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Minutes of the Annual Meeting

May 5, 2002

The Annual Meeting of the Old Taunton Colony Club, held at the Taunton Fire Company, was opened by President Joan Myers at 8:05 P.M.

Board Trustees present: Joan Myers, Kevin Callahan, Chuck Watson, Brian Pettitt, Phil Myers, Paul Davis, Gil Zlock, Ann Palaitis, Kristen Lorenz and Mary McKeon Stosuy.

Board Trustees absent were: Chuck Schaeffer and Paul Lucas

After brief opening remarks, President Myers introduced Medford's Mayor Walter M. Urban and Stephen Addezio Medford's Chief of Police and Director of Public Safety.

Mayor Urban gave a presentation about the Neighborhood Watch Program. Since September 11th, there has been heightened public interest in the Neighborhood Watch Program.

Chief Addezio also spoke about the programmatic requirements of the Neighborhood Watch Program. He also gave an overview of the functions of the Departments he supervises and the various programs being undertaken in Medford, including the Helmet Awareness Program.

A brief Q&A followed the Mayor's and the Chief's presentations.

The minutes of the 2001 Annual Meeting were read by Mary McKeon Stosuy on behalf of Secretary Paul Lucas and approved.

The Treasurer's report was read and accepted.


Finance Committee

Mary McKeon Stosuy reported that our stepped-up enforcement activity against members who are delinquent on paying their Annual Dues was successful. Treasurer Chuck Watson reported that we had collected approximately $4,000.00 in back dues and that we would continue to enforce collections against members who were in arrears in dues payment. Mary McKeon Stosuy thanked the members present for their timely payment of dues and for other efforts by community members that make Taunton lakes one of the most desirable comminutes in Medford.

Dam Committee

No report was given.

Beach and Picnic Area

Kevin Callahan reported that new signs would be posted at the beach and at the dams at the north and south ends of the Lake. A "No Fishing" sign is to be posted at the beach and signs warning of erosion control would be placed in the area around the dams. Improvements in the beach area over the last year have included landscaping around the Taunton Lake sign on Hopewell Road, sanding of wooden playground equipment, and annual plantings in containers at the beach. Mr. Callahan asked the members for suggestions on how to upgrade or improve the existing playground equipment in the beach area.

Weed Control and Lakefront & Dock

Gil Zlock reported that the year 2001 was the first time in ten (10) years that OTCC used herbicide for weed control at the Lake. The program was deemed successful especially in light of the increased weed growth that had been experienced in the 1999 and 2000 season. For the year 2002, two (2) as opposed to one and a half applications of the herbicide Diquat will be applied by Great Blue, Inc. The committee felt that the additional application, while more costly will prove to be more effective at reducing weed growth.

Water Quality Committee

Mike Galloway reported that in 2001, there were no beach closings. Efforts are being made to keep geese off the beach. Water quality s monitored three times during the summer season, at the beginning middle and end. Taunton Lake is "healthy" but the introduction of non-source pollutants into the Lake like fertiziler and septic tank leaakage, especially from upstream communities is causing the pH in the Lake to rise, making it a less desireable habitat for aquiatic sepcies that inhabit the typical "pine lake" which is more acidic.

Street and Resident Signs

Kevin Callahan encouraged all residents to beautify the name signs located throughout the streets around Taunton Lake. Mr. Callahan offered to assist residents of Hopewell, Centennial and Hinchman Roads if they wanted to install signs on those streets, which have never had the name signs. Mr. Callahan reminded street captains to notify him if a house is placed on the market for sale.

2002 Dues, Beach Tags and Boat Stickers

Chuck Watson reminded residents that the Annual Meeting marked the end of the grace period for paying 2002 Annual Dues. Residents were reminded that they could pay their dues and pick up boat and beach tags after the meeting.

Beach Monitoring

Kristen Lorenz gave a brief presentation on the Adult Beach Attendant Program. Attendants will be paid for six (6) hours per day and are needed for weekends and holiday coverage. One (1) hour of coverage per week is also required. Attendants ARE NOT lifeguards but do check beach tags and enforce beach rules and/or call 911 if problems at the beach arise. Ms. Lorenz reported that the during the 2001 season there were far fewer incidents of vandalism and other negative activity at the beach due at least in part to the Beach Attendant Program. Any adult resident interested in being an attendant was encouraged to sign up at the meeting or to contact Ms. Lorenz directly.

Welcome Committee

Paul Davis reminded all residents in attendance to sign in. He asked that residents notify him if new neighbors moved into Taunton Lakes so that they could receive Welcome Packages. Mr. Davis welcomed the new residents who attended the meeting.

Resident Survey

Ann Palaitis reminded residents to submit the survey they received in the mail if they had not already done so. She reported results of surveys received so far. There is a strong interest among residents for more community activities.

2002 Planned Activities

Joan Myers announced that the 2002 Picnic and Fishing Tournament would be held July 27 (Rain Date July 28). A successful Easter Egg Hunt was held at the beach. The Landscaping project planned around the Taunton Lake sign presented at the 2001 Annual Meeting was completed in the fall of 2001.

The public portion of the meeting adjourned at 9:50 P.M. Afterwards Board Members were elected for three (3) year terms beginning in 2002 and ending in 2005. Elected were Ann Palaitis, Mary McKeon Stosuy and Brian Pettitt.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mary McKeon Stosuy for
Paul A. Lucas, Secretary
June 12, 2002