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Minutes of the Annual Meeting

May 2, 2004

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The Annual Meeting was called to order at 8:40 P.M. by President Kevin Callahan. Kevin introduced Deputy Mayor Walter Urban who gave an up-date on the status of the Home Depot application to build on Route 70. Variances were denied by the Planning Board, however Home Depot has an opportunity to appeal.

Mr. Urban then discussed the progress of the negotiations between the Township and the builders of the proposed 1200 home complex off Hartford Road. The Township is trying to reduce the size, thus the impact of the development.

The Medford Police Department, represented by Cpl. Dunlevy, reminded the residents of the parameters of our Town Watch Program. He mentioned that the Department would begin regular patrols of the beach area after Memorial Day.

Membership Committee Chairman Paul Davis welcomed the residents and requested that each person register their attendance and supply an e-mail address if one is not already in our system.

A new resident of 10 Breakneck Road introduced himself and expressed his pleasure at being part of the Community.

A new Annual Meeting format was introduced wherein Committee Reports were posted on our web site - - and hard copies were distributed at the start of the meeting. The meeting was driven by short announcements from Committee members and resident-initiated discussions of Lake issues.

The Annual Picnic was announced for July 24, 2004. (Note: It should have been announced as July 31, the last Saturday in July. Because so many people heard the announcement, it has been decided to hold the picnic on July 24. Next year, we will return to scheduling the picnic on the last Saturday in July.)

Anne Klein, Chair of the Preservation Initiative Committee, thanked the residents for their outstanding support in helping to mold the outcome of the proposed "over-building" at 16 Robinson Road. Through all three Zoning Board meetings, we had 60 - 80 families represented which made a significant impression on the Zoning Board members, Township officials, and developers.

Anne suggested that the Lake Community consider a Township Ordinance limiting the height of new construction along the lake front.

Resident Patrick Coty, one of the adjacent property owners of 16 Robinson Road, thanked the residents for their support in his struggle to purchase the property under consideration for development. He officially announced that his wife and he purchased the property and that the shack on the property will be removed soon.

Residents discussed, at length, the problem of too many waterfowl on the Lake. Members were updated on the latest methods, allowed by law, to limit reproduction of the Canada geese. Residents were reminded that encouraging geese by feeding is both illegal and counterproductive. It was also stressed that the feeding of deer contributes to a problem that may be a worse problem than the problem of waterfowl. The exploding deer population is threatening the health of the deer and the existence of the natural foliage, not to mention the danger on the roadways and the cost of replacing vegetation in yards.

Resident Mike Gilbert asked if Board members knew of Centennial Lake's plan for lake bottom maintenance. Board members were not aware of their plan, but Brian Petitt stated that any "dredging" required a Freshwater Wetlands Permit from the State. Further, the whole process is very expensive, but that we will have to consider some type of plan for the future.

When asked about the status of our Dam(Breakneck Dam), Committee member Brian Petitt announced that our dam has been reclassified from a Class I high hazard dam to a Class II dam. The significance lies in reduced costs for repairs, maintenance, and inspections. The down side is a possible disadvantage in priority for receiving funding for our upcoming modifications. Those modifications were estimated to cost approximately $80,000 as a Class I dam. New estimates will be needed now that we are a Class II dam.

Secretary Paul Lucas announced that three Board of Trustee members have terms that expire his month. They are: Paul Davis, Kristen Lorenz, and Phil Myers.

Paul asked for a motion to extend their terms for another three years. A motion was made and seconded. By voice vote the nominations were affirmed. Paul then asked for any other nominations from the floor. Resident Steve Lennon nominated Marty Hamilton to serve on the Board. The nomination was seconded, and affirmed by a voice vote.

Paul went on to say that the Board members would be voted on at the regular Board of Trustee meeting in June and that officers would be chosen at that meeting as well.

Paul Lucas reminded residents that current boat stickers must be placed on both sides of all boats operated by residents on the Lake. Guests who bring their own boats must have a current beach tag for each person in the boat. This is necessary for keeping the trespassing problem under some type of control.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Paul A. Lucas, Secretary
May 2003