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Terriffic Turnout for Annual Meeting
About 110 of Taunton Lake's 150 families - almost 75 percent - turned out for the 2006 Annual Meeting, held on Sunday, May 7, at the Taunton Fire Company on Fairview Road.
This year's meeting featured the first contested election in memory for seats on the board of trustees. Usually, members have to be asked by other Trustees, even coaxed, to join the Board.
There were eight candidates for four contested seats. Results of the voting were as follows (the top four vote getters were elected):
Candidate | Votes received | |
Steve Lennon* | 71 | |
Chuck Watson* | 67 | |
Jerry Klein | 65 | |
Gil Zlock* | 63 | |
Dave DeMeo | 39 | |
Ken Dybalski | 39 | |
Larry Lefczik | 36 | |
Jen Lynch | 31 | |
*incumbent |
All of the candidates thank the entire community, and particularly those who were able to be present for the vote, for their interest in the election and their concern for the future of our community.
Reports from the various committees of the board were distributed and are available here.
The meeting also featured a visit from Sgt. Dunleavy of the Medford Township Police Department, who spoke to residents about the Neighborhood Watch program.
Following are the official minutes of the 2006 annual meeting.
Old Taunton Colony Club, Inc.
Annual Meeting - May 7, 2006
The meeting, held at the Taunton Fire Company, was called to order by President, Gil Zlock at 7:10 P.M.
Upon entering the fire hall, each resident signed in and each eligible family was given a printed ballot for the purpose of electing Trustees.
Mr. Zlock read a prepared statement wherein he explained that the By-laws discussion meetings would resume in the autumn.
Mr. Zlock referenced the gift of land from Carter Larsen, and asked Paul Lucas to report on the matter. Paul Lucas reported that a building lot located on "Lovers Lane" (the path that leads from West Lake Rd. to the beach) was deeded to the Colony Club by Mr. Carter Larsen, a long-time resident of Taunton Lake. In exchange, he would be able to erect a monument and various other conditions (that can be viewed in the last Taunton Times Newsletter and on the web site). Mr. Lucas explained that the importance of the transfer of land was that the entire path is now protected from development and will serve as safe passage from the west side of the lake to the beach area.
Treasurer's Report
Committee Reports
Committee reports were printed and distributed upon sign-in. The reports can also be viewed at
Brief summary reports were given for the following Committees:
Michael Gallaway for the Water Quality Committee reported that the beach is tested weekly for fecal coliform bacteria and that overall, the water quality during 2005 was quite good.
Brian Petitt for the Aquatic Weed Committee reported that in 2005 our lake was treated with herbicides to control bladderwort by Great Blue, Inc. This coming season we will continue to survey the lake for weeds. We will treat the areas that show significant weed growth.
Mary Stosuy for the Dam Committee reported that the Club was given a low-interest loan (2%) by the State for our required upgrades. The engineering firm of Adams, Rehmann, and Heggan was selected after submitting the lowest bid. Construction work will not likely begin until 2007.
At 7:35 Secretary, Paul Lucas conducted a Question and Answer session in which residents were able to ask questions of the candidates for the four expired terms.
The candidates were: Incumbents, whose terms had expired: Steve Lennon, Chuck Watson, and Gil Zlock. Trustee Kevin Callahan's term had expired, but Mr. Callahan was not running for re-electon. Thus, four seats were being contested by: Jerry Klein, Dave DeMeo, Ken Dybalski, Larry Lefczik, and Jennifer Lynch.
At 8:10 the Club Secretary called for nominations from the floor. First, the Secretary called for nominations for the three incumbents. All were nominated from the floor. Next, nominations were solicited for any person not yet nominated. No additional nominations were received.
At 8:15 the Secretary called for a vote, by secret, written ballot. Residents were called by row to place ballots into the ballot box.
While waiting for the Police Department to arrive to give their presentation, and while ballots were being counted, residents were able to pick up their boat stickers and beach tags.
At 8:50 Sgt. Dunleavy of the Medford Police gave an update on the Neighborhood Watch Program. He stressed that the residents are the eyes and ears for the community. He suggested that residents should make an attempt to get license plate numbers, if possible, of autos connected with any suspicious activity, and then, be sure to call the Police Department.
When asked about controlling speeding on Hinchman Rd. and Centennial Avenue, Sgt. Dunleavy suggested speed bumps.
Trustee Brian Petitt supervised the tabulation of ballots for the position of Trustee. Assisting were residents Bill Walsh, Bill Gibson, Shirley Martin, and John Perozzi.
At 8:45 results of the voting were announced by Secretary, Paul Lucas.
In order according to the number of votes received:
Steve Lennon (71) Chuck Watson (67) Jerry Klein (65) Gil Zlock (63) Dave DeMeo (39) Ken Dybalski (39) Larry Lefczik 36) Jennifer Lynch (31)
The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 P.M. Refreshments were then served.